Google Docs and iMovies

iMovie Project with Google Docs: 

Wooohooo!  We can all sign out iPads now, let's use them! 

iMovie is a great app on the iPads.  For starters, try using iMovie Trailer which can be accessed through iMovie.  A very easy to use video app that allows students to create a trailer.  I guarantee they will be engaged as soon as you show them those default examples from the iPad.

How we integrated iMovie with Google Apps:

Instructions and rubrics were uploaded to Google Drive and was shared with all students:

Storyboard/ Planning
Completed detailed storyboard approved by teacher showing evidence of planning.
Completed storyboard approved by teacher showing evidence of planning.
Storyboard completed with few details.
Storyboard not completed.
Camera & Images
Video is steady & focused. Still shots/ pictures are clear.
Video has some unclear scenes & blurry images.
Video quality is poor & still images are unclear.
Video quality is very poor & still images are very unclear.
Author makes no errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation that distracts the reader from content.
Author makes few errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation that distracts the reader from the content.
Author makes some errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation that distracts the reader from the content.
Author makes many errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation that distracts the reader from the content.
Product shows a large amount of creativity. Props, other students and expression are used throughout the trailer.
Product shows creativity. Work shows new ideas and insights.
Product shows some creativity. Work shows new ideas and insights.
Product shows little evidence of original thinking.
Caption & Image
Captions, writing and images match one another creatively and effectively.
Captions, writing and images match one another effectively.
Captions, writing and images somewhat match one another.
Captions, writing and images do not match one another, and lack creativity.
All group members contributed ideas and worked together efficiently.
Most group members contributed ideas and worked together efficiently.
Some group members contributed ideas and worked together efficiently.
The group did not work together to contribute ideas or work efficiently together.

That's right! No more excuses of losing the rubric sheet or not knowing what they are suppose to do.  All they need to do is log onto their Google Drive and they will be able to find the two documents. 
Once they are done with their iMovie, they will upload it to Youtube as a private video and share it with the class.  Their Youtube account is the same as their Google Doc account!  (They can access Youtube through the 9 dots beside their name when they are in their Google Drive) So they don't even need to sign up for it and it is completely secure as long as they choose to publish it in private mode.

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